
Catch up with me again

Since I had not written a post since Thanksgiving I wanted to drop a few lines to let you know what's been going on around here.

The kids got sick right around Thanksgiving and have been on and off with bad coughs and runny noses. This week I started catching the bug, so you can only imagine what that's like for me! I try to rest as much as I could, but 3 boys need mom at all hours of the day so it wears on me.  I always say I am so blessed to have such a great husband who does the best he possibly can to help out.

On top of that I somehow injured my back about a week ago. I woke up stiff and asked my husband to rub it with icy hot. Well low and behold I had a huge bruise across my back and had no idea why. The bruise is still there and the pain has gone from my mid back to my left shoulder blade and even into my arm. It causes pain to sit, to use the computer, to fold clothes and wash dishes. The only way I seem to get comfortable is laying flat on the floor. My body seems to be limiting me on the stuff I can do and honestly it's driving me crazy! I have an appointment to see my chiropractor this week so I am hopeful he can fix it like he always fixes my back problems. (Which have been a battle for about 10 years)

I just wanted to update you so you don't think I have given up on the blog 😆 I miss writing so much, but right now it causes my body so much pain. Thank you so much for your patronage and I promise that when I come back it will be with some great topics!!


  1. Oh no :( Here's to a speedy recovery! That sounds terrible.

    1. Thanks so much Sarabeth. Went to my chiro today so hopeful that I will be better in a few days.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your back pain, Dominique! We will be here whenever you are back to writing but take care of yourself and family first and foremost!

    1. Thanks so much Erin. Moms don{t get sick days, but trying my best to rest up!

  3. I hope you feel better friend! My kids are sick with a cold too, so I know how you feel. I just hope I don't get me sick :/


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