
Bathing A Clubfoot Baby

When Josiah was in casts people used to ask me how I bathed him. As I looked through my pictures a few days ago I realized Luis had taken some shots of a bath back then! I got so happy thinking  I could finally share exactly how I bathed him.


Hello Summer

It is so easy to get caught up with life and all its occurrences and completely forget that I have a blog! I am so sorry for my absence the past 2 weeks, but I have been so busy having a fun summer. And since I haven't had a post where I give you details about us in a while, today I will do just that.

Tony Spineto

At the first annual World Clubfoot Day celebration we had in California this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Tony Spineto. I had come across his name a few times when researching clubfoot and knew he was an athlete. What I did not know was how inspiring he was! I normally don't rave about something or someone on my blog unless I am really impressed. I can honestly say Tony amazes me. This man has more medals than my eyes could handle! I was not born with clubfoot and I could not do half the things this man does. 



People who know me personally know I put my kids to bed at 7pm every night, at the latest 7:30. While most people may think this is a bit early, yes there is still daylight outside, I have to do it. I don't budge!

Reasons you ask? 


Our First World Clubfoot Day

Today is a very special day in the Clubfoot community. It is World Clubfoot Day!
If you are new to the blog, let me begin by saying I have a child who was born with Clubfoot.

Clubfoot: A deformity in the foot/feet (present at birth) in which the foot is turned inward starting from the ankle. Aside from the feet being affected the tendons on the inside of the legs are shortened and the achilles tendon is tightened. This deformity affects 1 in every 1,000 babies. 200,000 newborns a year in various countries. 


30 on 30

It's June 1st! I usually love new months. I always say with a new month comes new opportunity! This month is a little different...... I turn 30 on the 30th.... 

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