I have been so busy the last couple of weeks I have had almost no time to sit down and write a post. May and June always end up being busy months for us. With Birthdays, our anniversary, Mother's Day and Father's Day, getting sick, graduations, and work time seems to be against me. So, today I wanted to catch you up with what my clan has been up to.
We greeted the month of June with lots of sickness. First Abram got sick , then Josiah, then Luis and then me. Eli surprisingly dodged the bullet. We all had what was called the Norovirus. All symptoms were very similar to the flu, it was awful. Luckily we all were better by the morning of my nephews graduation.
My nephew, Jacob graduated high school and we were so happy to be there to support his achievement. Jacob was who I practiced with before my boys were born. I changed diapers, I bathed him, I fed him, I played with him, I picked him up from kindergarten- never thinking he would one day be a young man who could fend for himself. Although I am so proud of him I wish I could go back to the time he was just a little boy who I drove around in my first car dancing to every song. I know one day it will be my boys graduating and moving into adulthood, but I really can wait and I pray I do as good a job with my boys as my sister did with my nephew.
Abram moved on from second to third grade. You can tell in the picture above how he looks older. We are very proud that Abram had a great year. He received an award this year for being the highest scoring reader in the second grade! He was nominated for the GATE program and although he didn't make it we are still happy he was nominated. The desire to learn comes natural to Abram. He is already talking about college and knows where he is thinking of going. We encourage his dreams and I have faith Abram will get whatever he sets his mind to with the help of God.
Eli went to Summer Bible School where he learned about Joseph. He enjoyed it very much, which made me so happy. Eli has never been left anywhere alone. He is actually my most clingy kid. I don't get to go anywhere without Eli. However, after a few minutes of being at bible school he had no problem with me leaving as long as I promised to come back. He was actually pretty upset when it was over. He wanted it to be a whole summer bible school. Eli starts transitional kindergarten in the Fall and he is more than ready. He loves learning and making new friends. He's a real character.
Lastly, I started working again! On my husbands days off I head to an office and get some paper work done for a few hours. I really enjoy being a stay at home mom and raising my boys, but getting away for a few hours and feeling needed for something other than cleaning behinds makes me happy too. I get to set my schedule and I like what I do. My boys don't miss me too much because they get to stay with dad doing lots of boy stuff that they feel I can't do anyways. But I promise to try to keep up on the blog as much as I can because this is still my absolute favorite little escape of all.
There you have it, I caught you up on what's been happening over here. We are looking forward to Summer and I can't wait to cross some things off of our Summer bucket list. What do you have planned for Summer? Leave me some suggestions in the comments below! Thanks so much for reading and Happy Summer!
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