
Maybelline Better Skin Powder

I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. All opinions are my own.

A few weeks ago I received the Maybelline Better Skin Powder from Influenster. I was really nervous to try it out being as my skin has bad reactions to change in the past. I still went ahead and gave it a good shot. Seriously, I am so glad I did! I can't even tell you how much I fully love this product.
While normally I feel like new make up tends to make my face look oily and cakey, this product did not do that at all. When a product doesn't make my skin oily it tends to get dry with products that are aimed toward acne, but again, this powder did not make my skin dry once. The first day I used it I thought, " Okay maybe it was just a good skin day."

Hace unas semanas recibí el polvo Maybelline mejor piel de parte de Influenster. Estaba muy nerviosa al probarlo siendo que mi piel tiene malas reacciones al cambio. De todos modos lo intente. En serio, estoy muy contenta de haberlo hecho! Ni siquiera puedo decirte lo mucho que me encanta este producto.

Aunque normalmente siento que nuevas marcas tienden a hacer que mi rostro se vea grasosa o pastosa, este producto no hizo eso en lo absoluto. Cuando un producto no hace que mi piel se vea grasosa, tiende a ser que se me reseque con productos que se dirigen hacia el acné, pero una vez más, este polvo no hizo que mi piel se seque una vez. El primer día que lo usé pensé, "Está bien, quizá sólo era un buen día de la piel."

I posted this picture, on top, on my Instagram at the end of the day as little proof of the skin's appearance.( I promise I did not alter the photo other than brighten it just a tad.) I have used the powder since then every time I wore makeup. I was so pleased that the day I took the kids to the zoo, it did not melt off my face! It was 100 degrees out that day. Normally I am melting and my face looks a hot mess, but not with this powder!

Publique esta imagen de arriba en mi Instagram  al final del día como pocas pruebas de la apariencia de la piel. (Prometo que no altere la foto aparte de aclararla sólo un poco.) He utilizado el polvo desde entonces cada vez que usé maquillaje. Estoy muy satisfecho de que el día que lleve a los niños al zoológico, no se derritió de mi cara! Estuvo a 100 grados afuera ese día. Normalmente estoy derritiendo y mi cara se ve un lío caliente, pero no con este polvo!

The label states that the powder contains Salicylic Acid that wears all day, so that could be why it did stay all day not budging with the heat. Honestly I was shocked that it did infact wear all day. What woman doesn't want her makeup to just stay put!?

My honest opinion is if you want to try a great powder that does not look cakey at the end of the day and hides imperfections very well then you need to give this powder a try. I use the shade Warm Nude, but there are 7 other shades to choose from.  I just apply over my foundation with a powder brush and then pat it in with the sponge in the package.

This last photo was over this past weekend when we went apple picking. That day was windy and dusty, but makeup was doing just fine. 

El estuche indica que el polvo contiene ácido salicílico que dura todo el día, por lo que podría ser la razón que lo hizo permanecer todo el día sin moverse con el calor. Sinceramente me sorprendió que lo hizo y no hubo desgaste durante todo el día. ¿Qué mujer no quiere que su maquillaje se quede donde uno se lo pone por todo  el dia!?

Mi opinión sincera es que si quieres probar un buen polvo que no se vea mantecoso al final del día y oculta las imperfecciones muy bueno, entonces usted necesita intentar este polvo . Yo uso el color Warm Nude, pero hay otros 7 colores para elegir. Yo solo aplico por encima de mi base con un pincel de polvo y luego lo moldeó con la esponja que viene en el paquete.

Esta última foto fue durante este pasado fin de semana cuando fuimos la recolección de manzanas. Ese día estuvo vientoso y polvoriento, pero el maquillaje se quedó muy bien.

Have you tried the Maybelline Better Skin powder? What did you think?

¿Has probado el polvo Maybelline mejor piel? ¿Que piensas?


  1. I'm going to have to give this a shot! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Looks great! I will have to look for this!

  3. I might have to go out and get this. Its still so hot here and my make up doesn't usually make it to the end of the day. :( You look amazing!

  4. I'm totally convinced from your review I should try this! Your makeup looks flawless in every photo here. I often find the heat and humidity just turns my makeup into a mess.

  5. I haven't seen this, but I love a good powder - they work really well with my skin. Can't wait to try it!

  6. I tried it and love it! It really makes your skin better after a few uses.

    Alix |

  7. Wow! This powder goes on practically clear. I love when makeup looks natural.

    1. Really?! Thank you. That wa one of the best parts of this powder. That it did not look cakey!

  8. I am legit obsessed with Maybelline products! They are my go-to for mascara and foundation!


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