

I hate to admit it, but I am very spontaneous. I  get this itch to do something and I have to do it right then and there- or within a good time span from when I thought it. One day I woke up and told Luis I wanted to go buy a car, he laughed, but by the end of the day I got my brand spankin new car! I tend to get sick of the way a room in the house looks so I have to move the furniture around, right then and there. I want to cut my hair at 11 o'clock at night, I do it myself! Haha. I'm very impatient and not very good at waiting. Its actually a blessing and a curse. On Friday night I had the itch to cut my hair, so I did. Don't ask me how I did it because I won't admit to the way I chopped it off. I had been growing it for a year waiting to get rid of some old color and finally go with my natural look. Saturday morning I had my friend come over to try to salvage the hair I had left, but luckily she said I hadn't done a bad job. She blended it and snipped a bit more here and there- and voila! Honestly I don't think we did a bad job at all! I really like it. I had gotten the habit of putting my hair in a bun or throwing it up in a pony because I hated the color, but now it's all natural and it'll grow back soon. Sometimes change is good and it makes you feel like a brand new person! I love my hair long, but short is fun too. What do you think? Long or short? 

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