
Random Pics

We have had such a busy and crazy schedule I wanted to share some random snaps of our crazy clan! 

Josiah cracks up in the mirror!

I love smooching my baby!

Chill time after a play date

Chewy was begging while I was cooking

Abrams first day as a 1st grader

Josiah loves his sponge baths

Jack wearing a polo! HAHA

He makes me swoon

Josiah fell asleep during tummy time

Brother play time, they can play legos all day!

Backyard baseball

Jack and Chewy spending some quality time

Grandma and Grandpa are crazy about him

Hope everyone has a great weekend making memories with family and friends. There is nothing more important than time spent with those you love!


  1. Your children are adorable! Love all of your photo's! It's like a mini story!

    1. Awe thank you so much Lesley! I'm quite fond of my kiddos too. Haha!


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