Abram's school held a Jog A Thon today to raise money for his school. I was so proud of my little man, he ran 12 laps in 20 min! By the end he looked extremely tired and even felt a bit sick. We stayed with him for a while, but I think that was a bad idea and made it worse. He kept saying he wanted to go home and even started crying! I got really worried, but Luis thought he might be exaggerating a bit and was doing it because he wanted to come home to be with his family. Despite the obvious reasons of him getting a bit dramatic and me realizing that yeah, Luis was right, and he just wanted to come home- it made me feel good. Let me explain. My house has been very chaotic and a bit stressful lately. Josiah had a better day today with his new shoes, but it's still a bit hard adjusting to the change. He takes up so much of my attention, that sometimes I feel like I don't spend enough "quality" time with Abram and Eli. Eli has been acting very clingy/ jealous and Abram has been a bit disobedient. As a mother, I automatically think, I'm doing something wrong! However moments like today's make me see I must be doing something right if my child still wants to be home in the midst of all the chaos. It might seem like a lot at times and sometimes it's hard to even function when I am so tired, but I have to remember to be easy on myself. I am trying the best I can with what I have and sometimes that just has to be enough and count for something. I have to remember I am not superwomen, but my kids still see me that way and that makes me feel at peace.
Have a relaxing weekend!
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