

As it is I have a hard time sleeping! I wake up every night just out of habit to check on the boys and cover them up because our house gets pretty cold and the blankets never manage to stay on them since they sleep so crazy. Some nights I manage to stay asleep but its very rare. Other nights Eli wakes up crying for whatever reason or coughing since he has asthma. Well last night he fell asleep at 7pm and didn't wake up until 8am! However I woke up at 2:50am and could not go back to sleep until 5am only to get woken up by Luis' alarm only 15 min later!! Needless to say I am very exhausted today! The weather here is so cold that I just wanna climb back into bed and sleep all day. I will definitely be walking around like a Mombie today because of my Momsomnia. LOL!! Hope everyone else got good sleep and you have a great day.


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