It is officially a new month! Its hard to believe how fast time flies! I'm 4 weeks from meeting my new baby and I cannot wait. I still have so much to get ready, but I always feel like the 1st of the month is like a new start. My husband and I set monthly goals. We each have a notebook where we set personal monthly goals and at the end of the month we go back and check if we achieved any of those goals. Every month is a new opportunity to get things done, change things you don't like, buy something you have been eyeing, pretty much anything that comes to mind.
For me this is the last month I will have as a family of 4. One of my main goals is to make last minute memories with my boys and my husband! Taking them somewhere special is on my to do list, as well as taking lots of pictures. Deep cleaning my house is also on my to do list. I try to clean something every day so I don't have a lot to overwhelm me on 1 full day, but I definitely need to get my hubby to help me move furniture and get to those hard to reach spots around the house.
I also set spiritual goals for myself every month such as remembering to pray more and just mainly taking time to appreciate my blessings. One of my main goals every month is telling and showing my family how much I love them. That can mean extra family and play time at night for the kids, or letting them stay up later. Getting special gifts for them or just some really special one on one time with each. For Luis it can be letting him sleep in, or making his favorite meal, even surprising him with donuts before he wakes up in the morning! Haha
When it comes to setting goals remember its a fair game. Maybe you don't get that specific goal done this month, then set it for next month. Always try to take steps achieving what your heart desires! Career wise, establish what it is you really want, like love what you do!! Sometimes there will be unexpected obstacles in your way, but that doesn't mean you give up, that just means you take a different direction to get there. Be sure to make one of your goals something fun, goals don't always have to be serious and down to business, a fun goal can be something as simple as remembering to laugh hard daily! It is good for your health after all.
May your April be blessed with goals achieved and unachieved, smiles, laughter and lessons learned!
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